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Background music for website in Javascript

--------------------------------[start]-------------------------------------- */

ns6 = document.getElementById;
ns = document.layers;
ie = document.all;
//========================[Sound variables - checking for sound] ===================================//
var NSsound = navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins["LiveAudio"];
var IEsound = navigator.plugins && document.all;
var audioEnabled = NSsound || IEsound;

function newContent(layernm,content) {
if (ns6) document.getElementById(layernm).innerHTML=content;
else if (ie) document.all[layernm].innerHTML=content;
else if (ns) {
eval(' document.layers["'+layernm+'"];');
eval(" document.layers['"+layernm+"'].document.write('"+content+"');");
eval(' document.layers["'+layernm+'"].document.close();');

//========[crossbrowser init sound]==============//
function makeSoundDiv(soundname,newInnerHTML) {
var oDiv = document.createElement ("DIV"); = soundname; = "absolute";;
document.body.appendChild (oDiv);
delete oDiv; }
//==================================[crossbrowser init sound]========================================//
function init(soundfile,autostart,loopit) {
var buff='';
if (loopit==null) loopit=false;
if (audioEnabled) {
if (autostart==null) autostart=false;
buff+=' ';
buff+='<BGSOUND src='+soundfile+'>';
buff+=' ';
} else { // try something else
if (autostart==true) autostart=1; else autostart=0;
if (loopit==true) loopit=1; else loopit=0;
buff+=' buff+=' pluginspage="" ';
buff+=' Name="obj_'+soundname+'" src='+soundfile+' AutoStart='+autostart+' ShowStatusBar=1 volume=-1 loop='+loopit+' >';

function play(soundname,loopit) {
if (document.getElementById(soundname)) newContent(soundname,document.getElementById(soundname+"_buffer").innerHTML);
else init(soundname,true,loopit);

all you need is to write play("your_sound_file.midi",true); for loop
or play("your_sound_file.midi",false); for one time play
You do not have to use the init(...) function since it is called from the play(...) function
This script has been tested and work with Internet Explorer, FireFox and Netscape

example below :




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