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Showing posts from 2008

Official mail

Below is the list of few points that should be considered before sending an official email. This may not be the expert advice but few points that might be useful to you which I follow. 1. Generally it is suggested to avoid using themes in the email. 2. You may use light background color and easily visible foreground color in the email. Its good to have white background and black foreground color. 3. Greet the receiver first. 4. Ensure that there is no typo in the email. 5. Ensure that you are not writing any offensive words. 6. Ensure that you are not pointing to a single person negatively. 7. Avoid writing “I, you” instead use “we” wherever suitable. Sometimes you can’t avoid writing “I” when only you are dealing with the something, that is okay. 8. Ensure that proper recipients are addressed. Avoid clicking “Reply All” button, think before clicking it. If all are not required to receive your email, send only to the concerned person. (When you are also part of ...

Image SlideShow in javascript

// * Dependencies * // this function requires the following snippets: // JavaScript/images/switchImage // BODY Example: // body onLoad=";;" // img src="originalImage1.gif" name="slide1" // img src="originalImage2.gif" name="slide2" // SCRIPT Example: // var mySlideList1 = ['image1.gif', 'image2.gif', 'image3.gif']; // var mySlideShow1 = new SlideShow(mySlideList1, 'slide1', 3000, "mySlideShow1"); // var mySlideList2 = ['image4.gif', 'image5.gif', 'image6.gif']; // var mySlideShow2 = new SlideShow(mySlideList2, 'slide2', 1000, "mySlideShow2"); function SlideShow(slideList, image, speed, name) { this.slideList = slideList; this.image = image; this.speed = speed; = name; this.current = 0; this.timer = 0; } = SlideShow_play; function SlideShow_play() { wit...

Send mail using CDONTS in ASP (VB Script)

Dim objMail 'Create CDONTS.NewMail object Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") objMail.From = " " objMail.Subject = " " 'you need TO add these lines FOR the mail to be sent in HTML format objMail.BodyFormat = 0 objMail.MailFormat = 0 objMail.To = " " 'objMail.Bcc = bcc objMail.Body = " " objMail.Send set objMail = nothing

Bread crumb in javascript - V2

//Bread crumb script var path = ""; var href = document.location.href; var s = href.split("/"); for (var i=2;i path+=" "+s[i]+" / "; } alert(path); i=s.length-1; path+=" "+s[i]+" "; alert(path); var url = window.location.protocol + "//" + path; document.writeln(url);

Background music for website in Javascript

--------------------------------[start]-------------------------------------- */ ns6 = document.getElementById; ns = document.layers; ie = document.all; //========================[Sound variables - checking for sound] ===================================// var NSsound = navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins["LiveAudio"]; var IEsound = navigator.plugins && document.all; var audioEnabled = NSsound || IEsound; function newContent(layernm,content) { if (ns6) document.getElementById(layernm).innerHTML=content; else if (ie) document.all[layernm].innerHTML=content; else if (ns) { eval(' document.layers["'+layernm+'"];'); eval(" document.layers['"+layernm+"'].document.write('"+content+"');"); eval(' document.layers["'+layernm+'"].document.close();'); } } //========[crossbrowser init sound]====...

Bread crumbs for your site using Javascript

function breadcrumbs(){ sURL = new String; bits = new Object; var x = 0; var stop = 0; var output = "Home > "; sURL = location.href; sURL = sURL.slice(8,sURL.length); chunkStart = sURL.indexOf("/"); sURL = sURL.slice(chunkStart+1,sURL.length) while(!stop){ chunkStart = sURL.indexOf("/"); if (chunkStart != -1){ bits[x] = sURL.slice(0,chunkStart) sURL = sURL.slice(chunkStart+1,sURL.length); }else{ stop = 1; } x++; } for(var i in bits){ output += " for(y=1;y output += "../"; } output += bits[i] + "/\">" + bits[i] + " > "; } document.write(output + document.title); }